вторник, 16 января 2018 г.

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Each type of binary options chart has advantages and disadvantages, and once you understand the differences you’ll likely find that one type appeals to you and your trading methods. Before starting there a few points about charts which are universal to all forms of charts discussed below. The Y-axis, or numbers written up and down along the side of the chart, is the price. The x-axis, numbers along the bottom of the chart, depict the time of day or date. Therefore, all these charts show price movement over time. First – The Basics of Binary Trading. Please note – here we assume you know the fundamentals of trading with binary options. If that’s not the case, or you wonder why you’re not a profitable trader, we highly recommend that you visit binaryoptions. net to learn trading basics and also to see who the trusted brokers are. It’s impossible to be profitable if you don’t use an honest broker, no matter how skilled you are in reading charts. Now let’s get on to the actual charts and how to use them.

Good luck on the “trading floor” when you use these charts in your next trade! The tick chart is a line that shows every movement the price has made. Typically these charts only show a few minutes of data since the price is constantly moving. The price point at the far right is where the price is at now, while the data to left is where the price was at times prior. The advantage of this type of chart is that it shows all the price movements over the last several minutes. The downside is that you can’t see any price data further back than that. Being able to see more data allows you to see if there is a trend (a sustained price move in an overall up or down direction), or any chart patterns developing. On a binary options broker site you will see this type of chart if you click an asset and choose an expiry time that is fairly close, such as 5, 10 or 15 minutes away for example. Figure 1 shows an example of a tick chart. Figure 1. GBPUSD Tick Chart. The chart shows roughly 30 minutes of data, and the black horizontal line represents the current price. The red vertical line indicates when the option expires. Over this timeframe we can see that the overall price trajectory is down, as each move higher is lower than the last, and each move lower reaches a lower price. A line chart looks very similar to the one shown above you’ll see a continuous line moving from left to right across the chart.

The tick chart is also a line chart, except that the tick chart shows you all the price movements since it only shows a short of amount of time. A line chart does not this will be explained in a moment. If you want to see more data –such as the price movement over hours or days–then you can use a line chart. Lines charts “summarize” the data, so you can see longer periods of time. Typically you will see this type of chart when you click on an asset and choose an expiry time or date that is further out, like several hours or the end of the week. By selecting an expiry that is further out, you’ll notice that the values along the x-axis shift from times to dates. Figure 2 shows an example of this. The expiry is not shown since it is a couple weeks into the future. This chart looks very similar to figure 1 (the tick chart), but the x-axis has changed so that you can how the price has moved over a longer period. Something else is very important though.

Unlike the tick chart, with a line chart you don’t see every movement. The line chart only reflects the closing price for each interval the chart uses (unknown in this case since the brokers typically do not allow you to configure your own charts). The closing price is the last price at the end of defined period, such as 5 or 15 minutes for example. For every 15 minutes (or other internal) only the close is recorded on the chart, and then each close is linked to each other creating a continuous line. This “summary” data makes it easier to see trends and doesn’t bombard you with too much information. The drawback is that you may not be trading with all the information you need. To explain, we’ll look at one more type of chart… Figure 3 shows a different style of chart, which shows more data, called a Candlestick chart. The candlestick chart below only shows the data from 1508, the last couple days shown on the line chart (figure 2). Figure 3. EURUSD 15 Minute Chart. Each bar on this chart represents 15 minutes. If the bar is green it means the last price in that 15 minute period was higher than the price at the start of the 15 minutes. If the bar is red, it means the last price is lower than the first. The “fat” part of the candle represents the open and close. If the bar is red, then as indicated before the close is lower than the open. If the bar is green then the close is higher than the open.

The small “wicks” coming out of the tops and bottoms of some of these candles represent the high and low points reached during that 15 minute time period. As you can see, this chart shows more information, and in a more visual way. I have noted one important distinction on the chart. After the price surged near the middle of the chart, a decline followed it (sizeable red bar), which was then followed by another green bar. On the line chart in Figure 2 you can’t see this. The line chart makes everything look clean, while in reality this chart shows that the market is typically more jerky. And each of those jerky movements could be the difference between losing and winning. Final Word on Using Charts. For short-term trading, such as expiries of about 5 minutes or less, use a tick chart. Ideally though also check out a longer-term expiry so that you can see what the asset has been doing over the last several hours or days as well.

The best trades are typically when you can get multiple chart time-frames to line up. For example, you see that the trend over the last several days is up, and the price is also moving up on your tick chart. Sometimes simple is best, but if you want to get more advanced with your analysis you may want to check out candlestick charts. Since most brokers don’t offer these you’ll need to source them from somewhere else on the web. Top 10 binary options sites java PIMEG Puente grєa somos una empresa del sector industrial que dedicamos nuestra actividad a la creaciіn y desarrollo de sistemas de elevaciіn, fabricaciіn e instalaciіn de Puentes Grєa convencionales y especiales, as ­ como equipos radio control. La finalidad de PIMEG es ofrecer un servicio adaptado a las necesidades de todos nuestros clientes de una forma fЎcil y, sobre todo, eficaz. En PIMEG ofrecemos toda una serie de equipos de gran calidad, incluyendo grєas, puentes grєa y polipastos, cuya finalidad es la de cubrir y solucionar los problemas que puedan surgir a cualquiera de nuestros clientes. Todo ello, combinado con una larga trayectoria y experiencia en la oferta de este tipo de servicios, nos convierte en una empresa de referencia dentro del sector de la construcciіn. Gracias a ello y a nuestra trayectoria en el mercado nos hemos convertido en una empresa altamente reconocida. їQu© es PIMEG Puente Grєa? En PIMEG Puente Grєa somos una empresa l­der en el sector de la industria de la construcciіn que nos dedicamos a proveer a las empresas con equipos de trabajo de alta calidad a fin de cubrir sus necesidades y solucionar todos sus problemas en cualquier proceso de la construcciіn. Gracias a nuestro equipo de expertos en el manejo y manipulaciіn de todo tipo de grєas, en PIMEG nos hemos situado como una de las empresas mЎs punteras en la oferta de todo tipo de servicios de reformas, construcciіn y mantenimiento. Nuestra filosof­a se basa en la apuesta en ofrecer servicios con la mЎs іptima calidad en todos nuestros equipos y trabajos, siempre mediante la aplicaciіn de la normativa legal vigente y teniendo en cuenta todas y cada una de las medidas de seguridad. Con todo ello, hemos conseguido afianzar un alto grado de confianza por parte de todos nuestros clientes, a los que intentamos ofrecer un servicio rЎpido y eficiente para cubrir sus necesidades y solucionar sus problemas lo antes posible.

Es precisamente este reconocimiento y fidelidad de todos los que apuestan por PIMEG Puente Grєa, lo que nos impulsa a seguir creciendo. Nuestra premisa bЎsica es la de seguir mejorando d­a tras d­a en la entrega de materiales y la realizaciіn de servicios rЎpidos, eficaces y econіmicos pero nunca sin dejar de lado la mЎxima calidad. En PIMEG no olvidamos que nuestros clientes son lo primero. їQu© productos ofrecemos en PIMEG Puente Grєa? En PIMEG Puente Grєa disponemos de una gran variedad de grєas puente, polipastos, grєas de ocasiіn y muchos otros productos destinados a la manutenciіn industrial. Entre estos productos destacamos los Carros Grєa , entre los que se encuentran los siguientes: Carros Birrailes, los cuales configuran un mecanismo de elevaciіn dise±ado para transportar cargas pesadas y a grandes alturas gracias a la alta resistencia de su estructura. Carros Monorra­les, que cuentan con unas dimensiones favorables a la hora de ajustarse a los distintos anchos de cualquier viga. En este caso, son muy єtiles para cargas con pesos no muy elevados pero que pueden llegar a las 16T. Otro de los productos destacados en PIMEG son los equipos de radio control , de los cuales distinguimos la Serie Alfa y la Serie Flex: Serie Flex: este tipo de sistemas estЎn dise±ados para controlar equipos industriales de maquinaria. Una de sus principales caracter­sticas es su fiabilidad y manejo con un total de 62 canales de identificaciіn.

Serie Alfa: cada uno de ellos consta con distintos transmisores y receptores pudiendo incluir otros accesorios. Tiene un total de 20 canales programables por el usuario. Uno de los principales productos que tenemos en PIMEG son las Grєas Puente , cada una de ellas espec­fica para distintos procesos industriales: Puente Grєa de proceso: estЎn dise±adas para adaptarse de forma optimizada a todas las necesidades espec­ficas de cada una de sus aplicaciones. AdemЎs su funcionamiento utiliza una tecnolog­a de mando integrada y todos sus movimientos se realizan mediante programas informЎticos. Puente Grєa Monorra­l: ©sta es una grєa puente que se adapta perfectamente a las caracter­sticas arquitectіnicas sea cual sea la nave. EstЎ dise±ada para transportar materiales con una carga de hasta 16T aprovechando al mЎximo la altura disponible. Puente Grєa Birra­l: gracias a su estructura, ©ste tipo de puente grєa permite la manipulaciіn de grandes cargas con una mЎxima precisiіn y total seguridad de movimientos. Igual que el Puente Grєa Monorra­l, ©ste tiene la capacidad de adaptarse a las caracter­sticas de la estructura de la nave en la que se encuentra. AdemЎs de los tres anteriores tipos de Puente Grєa, en PIMEG tambi©n tenemos Grєas Puente de Ocasiіn, las cuales son una soluciіn para aquellas empresas que necesiten ajustar su presupuesto. Con este tipo de puente grєa, nuestro cliente encontrarЎ la mЎxima fiabilidad y todas la seguridad necesaria a un precio mЎs ajustado. Finalmente, otro de nuestros productos son los Testeros , un complemento indispensable para cualquier puente grєa. Testeros: ©stos estЎn dise±ados para mover la viga principal tanto en puentes grєa monorra­l como birra­l. En PIMEG disponemos de diferentes tipos en base a las capacidades y el recorrido que deban moverse. Bloque testero: ©ste permite mover grandes cargas a trav©s de todo su recorrido.

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#BonNadal #FelizNavidad #MerryChristmas. Regala cómic en Navidad ¡El Top 10 de Escola Joso! ¿Encara no saps que regalar per Nadal ? Nosaltres t’ajudem amb aquesta selecció de #còmics sortit del talent dels nostres professors d’Escola.. Loading tweets. Este sitio web utiliza cookies para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de usuario. Si continúa navegando está dando su consentimiento para la aceptación de las mencionadas cookies y la aceptación de nuestra política de cookies, pinche el enlace para mayor información. Binary Options Trading Through Mobile Platforms & Binary Trading Apps. In a day and age where investing in the traditional markets becomes riskier by the day, binary options trading is proving to be an incredible investment opportunity for investors who can take advantage of fluctuating market prices without actually holding any financial assets. Binary options trading involves the concept of betting on the financial markets for a short period of time and is guaranteed to generate a massive payout for a profitable trade. The lower time frame, excitement of trading, higher potential for profits, and comparatively lower capital outflow have all contributed to the rise in fame of binary options trading among modern retail traders. TOP RECOMMENDED BROKERS. Technological innovations have a continued upward trajectory, resulting in several life-changing inventions that aim to improve the overall quality of living of humankind.

Mobile devices are considered to be at the forefront of trading technologies, as a vast majority of investors now keep track of their investments and the markets through a hand-held device. Gone were the days when one had to invest in a large and expensive trading systems to access the markets, as modern-day binary options trading companies have now made it easy for traders to access their markets from a smartphone or a tablet. Categories Of Binary Trading Platforms. Binary options trading was introduced in 2008, right around the time when smartphones were starting to generate a massive amount of interest in the consumer market. Platform developers and programmers rushed towards the new and lucrative opportunity by designing several innovative platforms for investing in the financial markets, thereby resulting in the development of different binary options trading interfaces according to traders’ requirements. Broadly, binary options platforms can be categorised into three distinct categories, according to their primary user platform. Desktop – Desktop trading platforms are designed and developed according to a prescribed set of conditions that are reserved for conventional trading interfaces, which are created as installable software for desktop and laptop computers. Desktop trading interfaces are still considered to be the most preferred platforms for established and professional traders, mainly due to the extent of trading features available to traders. Desktop platforms are indeed the most powerful trading interfaces for binary options trading, as they offer the convenience of using different charting options, indulging in elaborate technicalfundamental analysis, and taking advantage of the performance of a desktop or a laptop PC. For serious traders, nothing can ever replace the desktop trading interface. Mobile – Mobile trading platforms are interfaces that allow traders to access their binary options trading accounts on a mobile device, such as smartphones and tablets.

Unlike other forms of financial markets, binary options trading is a relatively new investment product and was able to take advantage of feature-rich mobile devices that were beginning to saturate the consumer industry. Mobile app developers were also able to take advantage of the lower number of mobile operating systems that were popular among mobile users and started designing dedicated mobile trading platforms for some of the top mobile operating systems in the industry. Today, mobile operating systems have one of the highest concentration of traders, particularly in the binary options market, and continues to gain popularity among both new and existing investors. Web – Some traders may wish to enjoy all the features of desktop trading on the move, which is why a majority of binary options brokers and developers usually resort to offering a web trading interface as the standard binary options trading platform. Web trading interfaces are independent platforms that are accessible through a web browser and are usually compatible with most desktop and mobile web browsers. Since web platforms don’t require any specific installations, traders can access their accounts from any device through a supported web browser. Web trading interfaces are sometimes more preferred than a dedicated desktop or mobile trading platform, which can also be accessed on any third-party systems without requiring any major browser add-ons. Trading Binary Options On Smartphones & Tablets. Smartphones and tablets are a common sight today, with most traders having access to the latest iterations that promises to provide the fastest processing power and incredible performance. It is true that modern day smartphones and tablets pack a more potent punch than dedicated desktop computers that were created less than a decade ago.

In fact, most high-end smartphones and premium tablets are capable of replacing the traditional desktop and laptop, albeit at the expense of screen size. However, modern tablets do come with a larger screen size, thereby eradicating the need for a dedicated desktop device. Traders may also find some modern tablets to be far more powerful and user-friendly than the heavier and cumbersome laptop alternatives. One of the primary concerns among mobile traders is the safety and security of trading through smartphones and tablets. Desktop users may argue that laptops and PCs may offer better protection against phishing and virus attacks, but there are dedicated anti-virus and anti-malware programs for mobile devices, which can prevent any cases or mobile security issues. Most binary options companies also employ state-of-the-art encryption technologies to ensure that they provide a secure trading environment to its users, which is free from prying eyes. Therefore, mobile trading can be as safe as trading on a desktop platform. The Different Versions Of Mobile Binary Trading Platforms. Binary options brokers have to concentrate more on catering to different mobile users, as there are many options for mobile users when compared to desktop platforms. Usually, programmers can develop a dedicated desktop trading platform for either the Windows or Mac operating systems, with only a small number of users opting for a trading platform on Linux or other operating systems. In the case of mobile binary options trading, there are far more options, even though there are a couple of operating systems that stand out from the rest. Android – According to recent estimates, Android holds a stupendous lead in the number of mobile users, which points to at least 64% penetration in the mobile users market.

Android is also an OS of choice for smartphone and tablet manufacturers that have led to the rise in popularity of Android among global users. Therefore, Android is quite simply the most preferred mobile operating system for binary options trader, which in turn provides a good amount of motivation for companies to develop dedicated binary mobile apps for the Android operating system. There may be cases where binary options brokers may purposefully refrain from providing a dedicated Android binary options mobile app, in which case, traders are provided access to web trading platforms for binary trading through a web browser. iOS – iOS is the clear runner-up to Android, with close to 33% market share in the mobile users market. Of course, the popularity of iPhones and iPads are indeed a valid reason why iOS retains its second spot, together with the security and flexibility offered by the iOS to mobile traders. A majority of binary options brokers generally make it their priority to offer a dedicated iOS binary trading app, but there are also cases where users will have to use their device’s web browser to access their accounts through a web trading interface. Windows – Contrary to the popularity of the Windows desktop operating systems, the mobile Windows OS is nowhere near the iOS or Android in terms of market share. With less than 1% of the global users having a Windows enabled smartphone or tablet, binary options companies or developers have virtually no incentive to spend a considerable amount of money on developing or maintaining a dedicated Windows binary options app. While traders may be able to find a Windows-supported binary options broker from a handful of companies in the market, it is usually advisable for traders to access their accounts through a web trader. Other Mobile Operating Systems – There are other lesser-known mobile operating systems such as Blackberry, Symbian, and Java, where users have no dedicated mobile trading platforms for accessing their binary options accounts.

In such cases, most brokers usually recommend trading via the web trading interface, which requires a compatible browser and minimum device specifications. For the best trading experience, traders are recommended to opt for either Android or iOS enabled devices for binary options a trading. Pros & Cons Of Mobile Binary Options Apps. We take a close look at all the benefits and drawbacks of mobile operating systems, and how they compare to the traditional desktop platforms. Ability to trade on the go. Keep track of open positions & manage trades. Modern mobile trading platforms are secure. Eliminates the need for using cumbersome laptops on the move. The flexibility of trading without sticking to a schedule. Instant access to trading materials and resources. Fast-paced and exciting. Mobile platforms may suffer from connectivity issues due to network problems. A lack of a fixed trading schedule can lead to over trading. It is difficult to understand the risks and rewards, as trading can become addictive.

Unlike large screens available with desktop trading platforms, traders will have to make a few adjustments and some compromises with the reduced screen real estate of mobile platforms. Trading Resources & Features With Binary Options Mobile Platforms. Mobile binary trading apps have limited access to trading resources, due to the obvious drawbacks of smaller devices. Traders who are fairly comfortable with a desktop trading platform will find it difficult to transition to a mobile trading platform. Although most modern binary options apps allow traders to perform an in-depth analysis of the markets, it is usually less flexible than a dedicated desktop trading platform. Traders will have to switch between multiple tabs to access news, signals, training and other information. Some mobile apps offer training materials such as education, signals, and market analysis, all of which are accessible through individual sections. The availability of training materials may vary from broker to broker and are also dependent on the category of account chosen by the trader. It is also normal for brokers to reserve their training materials strictly through their online interface hence, traders should get in touch with the broker to learn about the exact features that are available on their trading platforms. Binary Mobile Demo Trading.

The best feature of trading binary options on mobile devices is the ability to test out the performance and reliability of interfaces through a binary options demo account. Of course, not all brokers offer the convenience of a demo account, but if traders are careful about their choice of a broker, they can receive an unlimited demo account free of cost. We have reviewed some of the top binary options brokers in the market that offers a free demo account at the outset, or provide a demo account as an option for real, verified account holders. Demo account is not only suitable for evaluating the performance of a platform, but it also presents an opportunity for traders to compare different mobile trading interfaces and choose a platform that best suits their requirements. Demo trading enables traders to learn the platform functionalities without risking real money on the line, and can also be of great assistance for amateur traders who are just starting out in binary options trading. Beginner traders can use demo trading platforms for getting a real-hand experience of the markets, and take advantage of virtual trading accounts to minimise their risks in the market. Binary Options WebTraders As Viable Alternatives To Mobile Trading Platforms. Not all binary options brokers offer a dedicated mobile trading platform. In fact, some of the mainstream companies limit market access by providing just the web trading interface for binary options trading. Of course, web traders are usually compatible with both desktop and mobile devices, but the lack of a dedicated app may not be acceptable for certain traders. If you find a broker that offers an excellent binary options product but does not provide a mobile app, you should try to analyse the performance of their dedicated web trading interface to find out whether the platform suits your trading requirements. In most cases, a web trader offers the same performance and flexibility as a mobile app. Of course, if you are still not satisfied, you may consider moving to another broker that offers the same services, albeit with the option of a mobile trading interface.

Auto & Social Trading On Binary Mobile Apps. Automated trading and social trading are concepts that see traders depending on external sources to improve their trading performance. Although automated trading and social trading are based on trading tools reserved for desktop trading platforms, there are a few brokers that also provide such services to mobile users. Automated trading is the process of employing robots or automated trading systems to trade on behalf of a trader, while social trading is the process of using the assistance of other traders in the market, either by copying trades or through trading signals. Often times, brokers may also allow traders to use a hybrid of these technologies to enable traders to have better control over their automated trading strategies. Binary options trading is a financial product where traders have the freedom to use all the tools available in the market to gain an edge in performance. Of course, automated and social trading tools are not provided by all brokers, but some brokers offer such an option for both desktop and mobile users. If you are considering the option of using any such tools as a part of your trading strategies, your broker should be able to provide better insights into your options and whether they would indeed support such a modern and unique concept. Should You Use Binary Options Mobile Applications? The use of mobile binary options apps depends on individual trader preferences. Of course, some traders may prefer trading binary options on mobile apps, but a majority of traders may not be comfortable with the reduced functionality of mobile apps. As a trader, your job is to find out which platform works better for your trading needs, and which platform is more suited according to your market analysis requirements. Our expert broker reviews offer in-depth information about the mobile platforms that are provided by a broker, and a real-world comparison between the performance aspects of the different binary options mobile trading platform options available in the market.

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unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. Please note: All content on this website is based on our writers and editors experiences and are not meant to accuse any broker with illegal matters. The words Scam, blacklist, fraud, hoax, sucks, etc are used because all content on this website is written in a fictional, entertainment, satirical and exaggerated format and are therefore sometimes disconnected from reality. All readers must personally judge all content and brokers on their own merits. Additionally, visitors comments are not moderated other than the obvious link spam. People lie. Use your discernment. DISCLAIMER: Trading binary options is extremely risky and you can lose your entire investment.

Only deposit and trade with money you can afford to lose. Always refer to local laws, jurisdictions and authorities before performing any action on the internet. The content on this website is NOT financial advice and by use of this site you agree to hold us 100% harmless for any loss.

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