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Binary scheme team

Binary scheme team Get via App Store Read this post in our app! How would you convert a decimal into binary? Other than defining values to decimals such as 2 = 10, does anyone know of a way in scheme to create a procedure that converts a number into binary? Thank you! Depending upon what you need, there is a built-in procedure (number->string z radix) that will convert a number to a string, allowing you to specify the numeric base. For example, to convert 22 (decimal) to 10 (binary): Just to be clear, you would specify 2 as the second parameter since binary is base-2. Binary scheme team Get via App Store Read this post in our app! Binary Search tree in Scheme. I have a scheme function where I have a list and I am trying to put the numbers into a Binary Search Tree one by one. However, I keep getting "unspecified return value" I know my insert function works for a single number. But I need to get insertB to work for a list. Can you generalize the BST parameter like this? Or the equivalent: I think it's easier to understand. It's also more general.

It's better if we pass BST along as a parameter, instead of using a global definition. Other than that, you have to make sure of returning the modified tree when we finish traversing the list (base case). Also notice how at each recursive call we insert the current element in the tree and pass it along, and at the same time we go to the next element in the list. If higher-order procedures are allowed, we can write a simpler, equivalent solution: Binary IO and applications. Binary parsing and unparsing are transformations between primitive or composite Scheme values and their external binary representations. Examples include reading and writing JPEG, TIFF, ELF file formats, communicating with DNS, Kerberos, LDAP, SLP internet services, participating in Sun RPC and CORBAIIOP distributed systems, storing and retrieving (arrays of) floating-point numbers in a portable and efficient way. This short position talk proposes a set of low - and intermediate - level procedures that make binary parsing possible. The slides and the transcript of a micro presentation at a Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. Montreal, 17 September 2000. Reading variable number of bits from a sequential input stream. The bit reader is the first part of a binary parsing framework. The bit reader code was intended to be as general and optimal as possible.

The timing study given in the article referenced below shows the extent both goals have been met. The bit reader lets us read one bit from an arbitrary stream. We can then read one more bit -- or two more bits, or 3, 7, 8, 23, 30, or 32 more bits. And then 33 bits, 65535, 81920. bits. Following the tradition of Scheme, the bit reader does not impose any artificial upper limit whatsoever on the number of bits we can attempt to read from a stream. We are naturally bounded by the size of the stream and the amount of the virtual space on the system. The validation tests included with the source code really read all the bits from a file in one swoop -- as well as one bit at a time, and many cases in-between. The bit reader intentionally does not read ahead: no byte is read until the very moment we really need (some of) its bits. Therefore, the reader can be used to handle a concatenation of different bitbyte streams strictly sequentially, without 'backing up a char', 'unreading-char' etc. tricks. For example, make-bit-reader has been used to read GRIB files of meteorological data, which are made of several bitstreams with headers and tags.

Careful attention to byte-buffering and optimization are the features of this bit reader. The code is tested on Gambit-C 3.0 and MIT Scheme 5d2. The code has R5RS versions of needed logical primitives, so it should work for any R5RS Scheme system. Despite the bit reader being so general, it is nevertheless optimized for common uses. The optimized cases stand out in the timing benchmarks discussed in the article. Insightful discussions with Daniel Ortmann are gratefully acknowledged. Version The current version is 1.1, Oct 20, 2000. References. A commented source code, validation tests, and a timing benchmark. kindly ported by Martin Gasbichler. that describes the code and presents the results of several performance benchmarks. The timings also give an insight into the performance of a Scheme system.

The article was posted as _wide-range_ optimized bit reader and its performance on a newsgroup comp. lang. scheme on Sun, 22 Oct 2000 20:20:56 GMT. An Endian IO port lets us read or write integers of various sizes taking a byte order into account. The TIFF library, for example, assumes the existence of a data structure EPORT with the following operations: The endian port can be implemented in a R5RS Scheme system if we assume that the composition of char->integer and read-char yields a byte and if we read the whole file into a string or a u8vector (SRFI-4). Obviously, there are times when such a solution is not satisfactory. Therefore, tiff-prober and the validation code vtiff. scm rely on a Gambit-specific code. All major Scheme systems can implement endian ports in a similar vein -- alas, each in its own particular way. Version The current version is 2.0, Oct 2003. References. This TIFF prober code provides an implementation of the input Endian port specifically tuned for Gambit. Our goal is to reproduce all the functionality of that C++ library in Scheme.

Handling a TIFF file. TIFF library is a Scheme library to read and analyze TIFF image files. We can use the library to obtain the dimensions of a TIFF image the image name and description the resolution and other meta-data. We can then load a pixel matrix or a colormap table. An accompanying tiff-prober program prints out the TIFF dictionary in a raw and polished formats. Features: The library handles TIFF files written in both endian formats. A TIFF directory is treated somewhat as a SRFI-44 immutable dictionary collection. Only the most basic SRFI-44 methods are implemented, including the left fold iterator and the get method. An extensible tag dictionary translates between symbolic tag names and numeric ones. Ditto for tag values. A tag dictionary for all TIFF 6 standard tags and values comes with the library. A user can add the definitions of his private tags. The library handles TIFF directory values of types: (signed unsigned) byte, short, long, rational ASCII strings. A particular care is taken to properly handle values whose total size does not exceed 4 bytes.

Array values (including the image matrix) are returned as uniform vectors (SRFI-4). Values are read lazily. If you are only interested in the dimensions of an image, the image matrix itself will not be loaded. TAGDICT A data structure: a tag dictionary, which helps translate between tag-symbols and their numerical values. tagdict-get-by-name TAGDICT TAG-NAME -> INT tagdict-get-by-num TAGDICT INT -> TAG-NAME or #f tagdict-tagval-get-by-name TAGDICT TAG-NAME VAL-NAME -> INT tagdict-tagval-get-by-num TAGDICT TAG-NAME INT -> VAL-NAME or #f make-tagdict ((TAG-NAME INT (VAL-NAME . INT) . ) . ) -> TAGDICT tagdict? TAGDICT -> BOOL tagdict-add-all DEST-DICT SRC-DICT -> DEST-DICT Here TAG-NAME and VAL-NAME are symbols. tiff-standard-tagdict The dictionary of standard TIFF tags. TIFF-DIR-ENTRY A data structure that describes the tag, the type, the item count of the entry, the offset or an immediate value of the entry, and a promise for entry's value. The value may be an integer, a rational, a floating-point number, a string, or a uniform vector (u8vector, u16vector or u32vector). TIFF-DIRECTORY TIFF Image File Directory, a data structure. TIFF directory is a collection of TIFF directory entries. The entries are stored in an ascending order of their tags.

read-tiff-file EPORT PRIVATE-TAGDICT -> TIFF-DIR print-tiff-directory TIFF-DIR OPORT -> UNSPECIFIED tiff-directory? SCHEME-VALUE -> BOOL tiff-directory-size TIFF-DIR -> INT tiff-directory-empty? TIFF-DIR -> BOOL tiff-directory-fold-left TIFF-DIR FN SEED . -> SEED . tiff-directory-get TIFF-DIR KEY ABSENCE-THUNK -> VALUE KEY may be either a symbol or an integer tiff-directory-get-as-symbol TIFF-DIR KEY ABSENCE-THUNK -> VALUE Here KEY must be a symbol. If it is possible, the VALUE is returned as a symbol, as translated by the tagdict. The library accesses the input TIFF image file solely through the methods defined for the endian port. Version The current version is 2.0, Sep 2003. References. The article was posted as ANN Reading TIFF files on a newsgroup comp. lang.

scheme on Tue, 7 Oct 2003 18:24:12 -0700. The commented source code. It explains the interface above in far more detail. Dependencies: util. scm, char-encoding. scm, myenv. scm. The validation code. The validation code includes a function test-reading-pixel-matrix that demonstrates loading a pixel matrix of an image in an u8vector. The code can handle a single or multiple strips.

A sample TIFF file for the validation code. It is the image of the GNU head ( gnu. org) converted from JPEG to TIFF by xv. Copyleft by GNU. A TIFF prober program: a sample application of the TIFF library. The prober prints out the contents of a TIFF dictionary of input TIFF files. Reading IEEE binary floats in R5RS Scheme. We show how to read IEEE binary floating-point numbers using only procedures defined in R5RS. No special language extensions, foreign function interfaces, or libraries are required. The only assumption is that char->integer returns an integer with the same bit pattern as the function's argument, a single 8-bit ASCII character. The assumption holds for many Scheme systems. The code can read 4-byte single-precision IEEE floating-point numbers from minfloat to maxfloat inclusively. The code does not handle +Inf , - Inf and NaN s, although this is trivial to add, as explained in the comments to the code. One can twiddle bits in Scheme after all: it is just arithmetics. The article was posted as Reading IEEE binary floats in R5RS Scheme on a newsgroup comp.

lang. scheme on Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:24:25 GMT. Last updated December 5, 2008. Your comments, problem reports, questions are very welcome! Scheme assignment 2: Binary Search Tree. Write scheme code to implement a binary search tree and the functions to operate on one as follows. A binary tree is a list with the following recursive structure. where val is the value at the root and left and right are the binary trees for the left and right childeren or. for the empty tree. For example, the tree resulting from inserting the nodes 4 2 5 1 6 3 in that order would be represented by the list. In this tree, the root has value 4 with left subtree. and right subtree. To get more comfortable with the form, you might want to try to construct the list representations of some simple binary trees by hand. Try to generate trees for the following short insertion sequences: Solutions are at the end of this page. The tree is manipulated by the following functions.

(insert key tree) to insert a new node with the specified key in the tree and returns the resulting tree. (search key tree) returns #t or #f depending on whether key is in the tree. (emptytree? tree) returns #t or #f depending on whether the tree is empty or not. (height tree) returns the height of the tree. (tree2list tree) returns a list of the nodes of the tree in sorted order. The functions may not use set or define procedures, but obviously you must use define to bind the function definitions to their names. In coding some of the functions, once you know you are working with a non null tree you may find it useful to use a let statement like the following. ( . the rest of the code where you can use val, left, and right )) Note that cadr is an abbreviation for (car (cdr . )) , the second element in the list, and caddr is similarly the third element. 1: (1 () ()) one node, empty left and right subtrees. a single node always has this form.

3, 2, 1: (3 (2 (1 () ()) ()) ()) nodes are added on the left. scheme. 8 . Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Want to add to the discussion? mod guidelines . Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website . , . © 2017 reddit . . REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. &pi Rendered by PID 53943 on app-377 at 2017-12-16 22:32:54.525512+00:00 running bedae52 country code: DE. the logic grimoire. Just for fun, I’ve begun translating some of the algorithms from Mastering Algorithms with Perl into Scheme. My hope is that I’ll get two things out of this: a better knowledge of algorithms, and of Scheme hacking.

Binary search is one of the first algorithms listed in the book it’s tricky to write a correct binary search, but I had the Perl code to work from. Let’s see how I did. Binary search is a method for finding a specific item in a sorted list. Here’s how it works: Take a guess that the item you want is in the middle of the current search “window” (when you start, the search window is the entire list). If the item is where you guessed it would be, return the index (the location of your guess). If your guess is “less than” the item you want (based on a comparison function you choose), recur, this time raising the “bottom” of the search window to the midway point. If your guess is “greater than” the item you want (based on your comparison function), recur, this time lowering the “top” of the search window to the midway point. In other words, you cut the size of the search window in half every time through the loop. This gives you a worst-case running time of about ( (log n) (log 2)) steps. This means you can find an item in a sorted list of 20,000,000,000 (twenty billion) items in about 34 steps.

Reading lines from a file. Before I could start writing a binary search, I needed a sorted list of items. I decided to work with a sorted list of words from usrsharedictwords , so I wrote a couple of little procedures to make a list of words from a subset of that file. (I didn’t want to read the entire large file into a list in memory.) Note : Both format and the Lisp-inspired #!optional keyword are available in MIT Scheme they made writing the re-matches? procedure more convenient. re-matches? checks if a regular expression matches a string (in this case, a line from a file). make-list-of-words-matching is used to loop over the lines of the words file and return a list of lines matching the provided regular expression. Now I have the tools I need to make my word list. Since I am not one of the 10% of programmers who can implement a correct binary search on paper, I started out by writing a test procedure. The test procedure grew over time as I found bugs and read an interesting discussion about the various edge cases a binary search procedure should handle.

These include: Empty list List has one word List has two word Word is not there and “less than” anything in the list Word is not there and “greater than” anything in the list Word is first item Word is last item List is all one word If multiple copies of word are in list, return the first word found (this could be implemented to return the first or last duplicated word) Furthermore, I added a few “sanity checks” that check the return values against known outputs. Here are the relevant procedures: assert= checks two numbers for equality and prints a result assert-equal checks two Scheme objects against each other with equal? and prints a result run-binary-search-tests reads in words from a file and runs all of our tests. The binary search procedure. Finally, here’s the binary search procedure it uses a couple of helper procedures for clarity. ->int is a helper procedure that does a quick and dirty integer conversion on its argument split-difference takes a low and high number and returns the floor of the halfway point between the two binary-search takes an optional debug-print argument that I used a lot while debugging. The format statements and the optional argument tests add a lot of bulk &ndash now that the procedure is debugged, they can probably be removed. ( Aside : I wonder how much “elegant” code started out like this and was revised after sufficient initial testing and debugging?) This exercise has taught me a lot. Writing correct code is hard.

(I’m confident that this code is not correct.) You need to figure out your invariants and edge cases first. I didn’t, and it made things a lot harder. It’s been said a million times, but tests are code. The tests required some debugging of their own. Once they worked, the tests were extremely helpful. Especially now that I’m at the point where (if this were “for real”) additional features would need to be added, the format calls removed, the procedure speeded up, and so on. I hope this has been useful to some other aspiring Scheme wizards out there. Happy Hacking! Binary Options – What Is This ? The binary options is a kind of stock exchange contract, with a goal to get profits from prices changing (currencies, stocks, goods) on the world’s finance markets.

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Cloud Cruiser is a vendor that offers cost-analtyics software for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud computing environments. The software helps customers monitor and control how much money they are spending on cloud deployments across heterogeneous IT environments. Binary describes a numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit: 0 and 1. The term also refers to any digital encodingdecoding system in which there are exactly two possible states. In digital data memory, storage, processing, and communications, the 0 and 1 values are sometimes called "low" and "high," respectively. A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data on a computer each bit has a single value of either 1 or 0. Executable (ready-to-run) programs are often identified as binary files and given a file name extension of ".bin.” Programmers often call executable files binaries . Binary numbers look strange when they are written out directly. This is because the digits' weight increases by powers of 2, rather than by powers of 10. In a digital numeral, the digit furthest to the right is the "ones" digit the next digit to the left is the "twos" digit next comes the "fours" digit, then the "eights" digit, then the "16s" digit, then the "32s" digit, and so on. The decimal equivalent of a binary number can be found by summing all the digits. For example, the binary 10101 is equivalent to the decimal 1 + 4 + 16 = 21: The numbers from decimal 0 through 15 in decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal form are listed below. Continue Reading About binary. Join the conversation. Your password has been sent to: By submitting you agree to receive email from TechTarget and its partners.

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A binary search tree is either empty or a structure comprising a datum and two binary search trees. It seems most natural to use the null object for an empty binary search tree and a three-element vector for a non-empty one. Having chosen this representation, we can easily provide an assortment of constructors and selectors: Cons-bst is perhaps too low-level a constructor for regular use. Here's insert , which takes a binary search tree and a new datum, and returns a binary search tree into which the new datum has been placed correctly (according to the ordering specified by the optional parameter, or < if none is provided): Using this procedure, then, we can easily build a binary search tree containing the elements of a given list: Once the binary search tree has been constructed, the binary search method is straightforward: This document is available on the World Wide Web as. Choose your Binary Options broker wisely! Binary Options trading has become very popular in the past few years. Today there are over 350 binary options brokers that you can open an account with. However there are some dishonest brokers, who may manipulate prices or won’t let you withdraw your winnings. That’s why it’s important to choose your broker wisely before you begin. Our team of experienced traders has made investigations on many brokers, and it’s recommended that you read them so you can choose the best broker for you. Safe & Secure Brokers December 2017. Don’t see your broker? If you don’t see your broker in the list above, it might be a scam. To avoid any problems, please signup for our regular scam investigation newsletter.

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