вторник, 16 января 2018 г.

Day trading binary options the using candlesticks

Candlestick Charts and Patterns. Candlestick charts are perhaps the most popular trading chart. With a wealth of data hidden within each candle, the patterns form the basis for many a trade or trading method. Here we explain the candlestick and each element of the candle itself. Then we explain common candlestick patterns like the doji, hammer and gravestone. Beyond that, we explore some of the method, and chart analysis with short tutorials. Reading candlestick charts provides a solid foundation for technical analysis and winning binary options method. Japanese Candlestick Charts Explained. Japanese Candlesticks are one of the most widely used chart types. The charts show a lot of information, and do so in a highly visual way, making it easy for traders to see potential trading signals or trends and perform analysis with greater speed. So let us explain what Japanese Candlesticks are, how the “candles” are created and basic candlestick interpretation.

It’s a fact that many novice traders, new to the trading industry, focus on candlesticks because they are easy to understand and give a feeling of real trading to someone. But it’s also a fact that nobody made money only using candlestick patterns. Many new traders are excited because they have some good results in the beginning by candlestick patterns without spending much time reading about trading, but in the long run they fail and they come back to learn more. Candlestick patterns are a good tool, but only for confirmation. Of course every trader should know how to read the candles. I believe this is “Lesson #1” for the new traders. If you know how to read the candles properly, you can use them for confirmation in your trades – but first you must know the basics. Candlestick Patterns. Japanese Candlesticks are a type of chart which shows the high, low, open and close of an assets price, as well as quickly showing whether the asset finished higher or lower over a specific period, by creating an easy to read, simple, interpretation of the market. Candlesticks can be used for all time frames – from a 1 minute chart right up to weekly and yearly charts, and have a long and rich history dating back to the feudal rice markets of ancient Samurai dominated Japan.

When information is presented in such a way, it makes it relatively easy – compared to other forms of charts – to perform analysis and spot trade signals. To understand how this works, we’ll need to look at how each bar is constructed. As indicated, each candle provides information on the open, close, high and low of an assets price. Each reflects the time period you have selected for your chart. For example, if a 5 minute chart was used each candle shows the open, close, high and low price information for a 5 minute period. When 5 minutes has elapsed a new 5 minute candle starts. The same process occurs whether you use a 1 minute chart or a weekly chart. The open and close are marked by the “fat” part of the candlestick. This is called the real body, and represents the difference between the open and close. If the close is higher than the open, the candle will be green or white if the close is lower than open the bar will be red or black but other colors can often be found on different charts. The open or close are not necessarily the high or low price points of the period though. The high and low prices for the period are marked by a “wick” or “upper shadow” and “lower shadow.” The high point of the upper shadow gives the highest price the asset went during that period, and the low point of the lower shadow gives the lowest price the asset went during that period. If there are no upper or lower shadow it means the open and close were also the high and low for that period which in itself is a kind of signal of market strength and direction.

Occasionally you will also see bars that are nearly all upper andor lower shadow, with very little real body. These are called dojis and have special meaning, a market in balance, and often give strong signals. Due to the highly visual construction of candlesticks there are many signals and patterns which traders use for analysis and to establish trades. Some patterns will be classed as ‘advanced strategies’, but there are general principles that those new to Japanese Candlestick charts should understand. Here are a few, I’ll go into more detail on some of these ideas further along in this discussion. A long real body indicates stronger pressure than a small real body. For example, a long green body represents stronger buying pressure than a small green body. A long red body represents stronger selling pressure than a small red body. Shadows can be used to determine what group of traders–buyers or sellers–was strongest at the close of a candle. While not always, it is quite possible that the strongest group at the close of the prior bar will be strongest heading into the next bar. A long lower shadow with very little upper shadow indicates sellers tried to push the price down, but ultimately the buyers succeeded in pushing the price back up and were strong at the close. A long upper shadow with very little lower shadow indicates buyers tried to push the price up, but ultimately the sellers succeeded in pushing the price back down and were strong at the close. What many traders fail to pay attention to is the tails or wicks of a candle.

They mark the highs and lows in price which occurred over the price period, and show where the price closed in relation to the high and low. During an average day of trading upper and lower shadows are commonly formed, and they don’t really mean that much. But on some days, as when the price is trading near support or resistance levels, or along a trend line, or during a news event, a strong shadow may form and create a trading signal of real importance. If there is one thing that everyone should remember about the candle wicks, shadows and tails is that they are fantastic indications of support, resistance and potential turning points in the market. To illustrate this point lets look at two very specific candle signals that incorporate long upper or lower shadows. The hammer is a candle that has a long lower tail and a small body near the top of the candle. It shows that during that period (whether 1 minute, 5 minute or daily candlesticks) that price opened and fell quite a distance, but rallied back to close near (above or below) the open. This is sign that buyers stepped into a weak market and are “hammering out a bottom.” Long lower tails are seen all over the place, and aren’t significant on their own. But they are significant when a long lower tail–hammer–is seen near support. It indicates the sellers tried to push the price through support but failed, and now the buyers are likely to take price higher again. The thing to remember here is that a hammer could indicate a new area of support as well. Figure 1 shows an example of a hammer candle on the USDJPY Daily Chart. Three candles, all with long tails occurred in the same price area and had very similar price lows.

That three long tailed candles all respected the same area showed there was strong support at 100.800. When the hammer occurred (third candle in the series with the red area below it) it showed that price was likely to continue higher, since sellers had tried to push the price lower, but couldn’t. The gravestone (or ‘tombstone’) is a candle that has a long upper tail and a small body near the bottom of the candle, opposite of the hammer. It shows that during the period (whether 1 minute, 5 minute or daily candlesticks) that price opened then rallied quite a distance, but then fell to close near (above or below) the open. This is sign that sellers stepped into a hot market and created a graveyard for the buyers. Long upper tails are seen all over the place, and are not significant on their own. But they are significant when a long upper tail–gravestone–is seen near resistance, unless of course a new resistance level is being set. It indicates the buyers tried to push the price through resistance but failed, and now the sellers are likely to take price lower again. Figure 2 shows an example of a gravestone candle on the EURUSD hourly chart. The price tested this resistance area multiple times, finally it broke above it, but within the same bar (one hour) the price collapsed back. This indicated the buyers didn’t have control and that the breakout would likely fail. The price did proceed lower from there. Tails, Wicks And Shadows. Look for them on candles, they are important.

Multiple long tails in one area, like in figure 1, show there is a support or resistance there. If a hammer or gravestone candle occurs near support or resistance, expect a reversal since the supportresistance has held. A hammer opens and closes near the top of the candle, and has a long lower tail. A gravestone opens and closes near the bottom of the candle, and has a long upper tail. By themselves they can give shady signals so beware, when used with other analysis like supportresistance, stochastic, MACD, trend line etc are a very powerful tool of the modern trader. The next thing to look out for is the doji, a candle that combines traits of the hammer and gravestone into one powerful signal. Doji method for Binary Options. Dojis are among the most powerful candlestick signals, if you are not using them you should be. Candlesticks are by far the best method of charting for binary options and of the many signals derived from candlestick charting dojis are among the most popular and easy to spot. There are several types of dojis to be aware of but they all share a few common traits. First, they are candles with little to no visible body, that is, the open and closing price of that sessions trading are equal or very, very close together. Dojis also tend to have pronounced shadows, either upper or lower or both. These traits combine to give deep insight into the market and can show times of balance as well as extremes.

In terms of signals they are pretty accurate at pinpointing market reversals, provided you read them correctly. Like all signals, doji candles can appear at any time for just about any reason. All they really signify is a balance of today’s traders if buyers and sellers are in balance during a session price action will remain stable. It takes other factors to give the doji true importance such as volume, size and position relative to technical price levels. Truly important dojis are rarer than most candle signals but also more reliable to trade on. Here are some things to consider. First, how big is the doji. If it is relatively small, as in it has short upper and lower shadows, it may be nothing more than a spinning top style candle and representative of a drifting market and one without direction. If however the doji shadows encompass a range larger than normal the strength of the signal increases, and increases relative to the size of the doji. Candles with extremely large shadows are called long legged dojis and are the strongest of all doji signals. Second is where the doji appears does it appear at a support or resistance line or is it floating in a no man’s land between two supportresistance targets. If it is not near a supportresistance line the signal is much weaker than if it is confirming a support or resistance. In fact, if the shadow, either upper or lower, crosses one of these lines and then closes abovebelow it the signal is quite strong indeed. One of this type appearing at support may be a shooting star, pin bar or hanging man signal one occurring at support may be a tombstone or a hammer signal. Look at the example below.

There are numerous candles that fit the basic definition of a doji but only one stands out as a valid signal. This doji is long legged, appears at support and closes above that support level. Another confirming indication that a doji is a strong signal and not a fake one is volume. The higher the volume the better as it is an indication of market commitment. In respect to the above example it means that price has corrected to an extreme, and at that extreme buyers stepped in. It also means that near term sellers have disappeared, or all those who wanted to sell are now out of the market, leaving the road clear for bullish price action. Doji’s can be trend following or indicate reversals so that must be considered as well. A doji confirming support during a clear uptrend is a trend following signal while one occurring at a peak during the same trend may indicate a correction. The same is true for down trends. Failing to account for trend, or range bound conditions, can be the difference between a profitable entry or not. Breakout method – Setup A Robot. The below demo video, explains how to configure a robot using the builder feature at IQ Option. The video explain how to specifically setup a method based on candlesticks, and doji patterns within them Doji Patterns – Conclusions.

While doji’s can be fantastic signals for binary options they should be considered a signal to look for entry, and not as an entry itself. In the example above a call option is clearly the correct thing to do but if purchased at the close of the doji, it could easily have resulted in a loss. The doji shows support like sonar shows the bottom of the ocean but that does not mean a reversal will happen immediately. The best thing to do is to wait for at least the next candle and target an entry close to support. This same is true for resistance as well. Doji’s are also fine to use in any time frame but remember the rules. When changing time frames add this the doji’s size and analysis is relative to other doji’s and candles in that time frame. A long legged doji doesn’t mean the same thing if they appear frequently on the charts unless it is significantly larger the average long legged doji. Expiry will be your final concern. If entry is taken very close to the targeted supportresistance level a one or two bar expiry is most likely all you will need but it may be prudent to extend that out to 5 bars just to make sure. Chart Patterns Explained. Have you ever heard the saying, “can’t see the forest for the trees”? This is a very apt saying that simply means getting caught up in the small things and not seeing the bigger picture.

This can happen all to often when trading and is especially common among newer traders. This can happen in a number of ways such as too many indicators, paying too much attention to minor day to day fluctuations or in the case of today’s discussion, paying to much attention to your Japanese Candlesticks. Candlesticks, and candlestick charting, are one of the top methods of analyzing financial charts but like all indicators can provide just as many bad or false signals as it does good ones. For that reason alone it is a good idea to filter any candle signal with some other indicator or analysis. I’m going to assume that you already know something about candles because you are this deep into the article already. I like them because they offer so much more insight into price action. Switching from a line chart to an O-H-L-C chart to a candlestick chart is like bringing the market into focus. The candles jump off the chart and scream things like Doji, Harami and other basic price patterns that can alter the course of the market. The thing is, these patterns can happen everyday. Which ones are the ones you want to use for your signals? That is the question on the mind of any one who has tried and failed to trade with this technique. Candlestick Analysis – Examples.

Look at the chart below a new candle forms every day. Some day a bullish candle, some days a bearish one, some times two or more days combine to form a larger pattern. Not all of them result in the “expected” movement. Look at the chart below. I have marked 8 candle patterns widely used by traders that failed to perform as expected. Why is this you may ask yourself? It all comes down to where the signals occur relative to past price action. When I start to add other indicators to the charts it may become clearer. The first and foremost reason is that the candle patterns I have marked do not take any other technical or fundamental factors into account. I know that as binary traders we do not use much fundamental analysis but any trader worth his salt has at least a minor grip on the underlying market conditions. After that some simple additions to the chart can help to give some perspective and allow you to see the forest, and not just the trees. Time frame is one important factor when analyzing candlesticks.

The very first thing I like to do is to literally take a step back from my standard chart for a better view of the market. I use charts of daily prices with 6 months or one year of data. To get the broadest view I can I use a chart with 5 or 10 years of data. The 5 year chart is where I draw support, resistance and trend lines that will have the most importance in my later analysis. Having an idea of where price action, and the candlesticks, are in relation to the long term trend and areas of supportresistance is crucial to interpretation. A candle signal occurring at or near a long term line is of far more value than one that is near a shorter term line. You can use weekly bars or daily, it doesn’t matter, but sometimes a really strong candle signal will appear on the weekly charts too. Moving averages are another good way to help weed out bad candlestick signals. There are many types of moving averages but I like to use the exponential moving average because it tracks prices more closely than the simple moving average. I use the 30 bar and 150 bar moving averages but you can use any duration that works for you. The point is to use the EMA’s to help confirm or deny potential candle signals. In theory, each moving average represents a group of traders the 30 day EMA short term traders and the 150 day EMA longer term traders. A candlestick signal that fires along the moving averages is a sign that that group of traders is behind the move. A signal along the 30 bar EMA would not be as strong as a signal along the 150 bar EMA while a signal that fired while the two EMA’s were tracking alongside each other would be the strongest of all.

Volume is a third factor that I like to take into consideration when analyzing candle charts. Volume is one of the most important drivers of an assets price. The more people that want to buy an asset the higher and quicker prices will move up. The more people that want to sell an asset the lower and quicker prices will drop. This can also be applied to candlesticks, the more volume during a given candle signal the more important of a signal it will be. Further, if volume rises on the second or third day of a signal that is additional sign that the signal is a good one. Take a look at the chart below. I have redrawn support, resistance, trend lines and moving averages. Then I looked for candle signals along those lines and correlated volume spike to them. Using the additional analysis techniques the 8 losses on the chart above could have been avoided and instead been turned into these dozen or so winning trades. The volume does not spike on every signal but there are a few significant spikes to see. Reading Charts – Closing Guide. There are many candlestick patterns for you to explore if you enjoy this type of “visual” trading style, I’ve barely scratched the surface. Candlestick patterns are useful for both short and long-term trades as these patterns occur on one minute charts right up to weekly charts (or longer).

Looking at a chart you’ll see lots of patterns, the key is to understand which ones are really signals and which ones are just random market movements. Be selective, and only trade when there are confirming factors and indicators. Use other technical analysis methods to validate all patterns. For example, a bullish engulfing pattern that occurs at a support level is more likely to work out than if a bullish engulfing pattern occurs on its own. EURUSD Day Trading With Engulfing Candles. An engulfing candlestick is a powerful trade signal when used in the right context. A deeper look at this type of candlestick pattern is covered in A Powerful Candlestick Price Pattern. Here we’ll build on the basic engulfing pattern and apply it to a very basic trend following method in the EURUSD. The pattern combined with some other filter, such as a trend, or highly likely reversal points, creates a very powerful and easy to spot method. When viewing a candlestick charts, there are two types of engulfing patterns, bullish and bearish. A bullish pattern is when the body of an up candle completely envelops the body of the down candle just before it. In other words, a large down candle followed by a larger up candle.

A bearish pattern is when the body of a down candle completely envelops the body of the up candle just before it a large up candle followed by a larger down candle. How these patterns look will be become clear when viewing the trade examples below. Using the Engulfing Pattern During Trends. An engulfing candle shows a strong shift in direction. Yet, these patterns show up quite often. A strong shift in direction is only relevant there is some type of context. I like to use engulfing pattern during trends for example. Once an uptrend has begun, if during a pullback (move lower within the overall uptrend) a bullish engulfing pattern occurs, this is a potential trade signal. The bullish engulfing pattern, during an uptrend, indicates the pullback is likely over and that buyers have jumped back into the market. That’s a trade I want to be in. Similarly, in a downtrend, during a correction (move up within an overall downtrend) I’ll watch for bearish engulfing patterns. If one occurs, the pullback has likely ended and the downtrend is likely to resume as the pattern indicates sellers have aggressively jumped back into the market. method Entry Rules. The basic engulfing-with-trend method is to utilize bullish engulfing patterns within uptrends, and bearish engulfing pattern within downtrends.

In order for an uptrend to be in play, the price must have made a higher swing high and higher swing low. In order for a downtrend to be in play, the price must have made a lower swing low and a lower swing high. Here are some examples. The scales on the charts have been removed as this method can be used on any time frame. My preferred method is to use it as a day trading method, using a 1 or 5 minute chart. Figure 1. Bullish Engulfing in Uptrend. Figure 1 shows the basic setup. Ideally you want both an engulfing bar, and the bar before it, to have some “substance.” In other words, both bars (the ones inside the box) shouldn’t be tiny little bars, as tiny bars indicate indecision, and therefore aren’t useful for gauging a strong shift in direction. Figure 2. Bearish Engulfing in Downtrend. Figure 2 shows what you are looking for in a downtrend. During a pullback, you are looking for a strong shift in momentum back to the downside which indicates the trend will continue. The bearish engulfing pattern provides such a signal.

Engulfing bars can be quite large, which means if you wait for the bar to complete you may miss a chunk of the move you are trying to capture. Therefore, you don’t need to wait for an engulfing to complete (bar to finish). Figure 3 shows how this could be done using the bearish engulfing trades above. Instead of waiting for the bearish engulfing pattern to complete, enter short as soon as the potential engulfing bar drops below the low of the prior up bar. In the case of uptrend, enter as soon as the potential bullish engulfing pattern moves above the high of the prior down bar. Figure 3. Bearish Engulfing Entry. We can enter in real-time and assume that the bar will in fact end up as an engulfing candle because we are trading with the trend. We expect the trend to continue, and therefore, don’t need to wait for a bar to complete just to provide confirmation. If you aren’t trading binary options, then set a stop loss just above the high of the bearish engulfing candle, or just below the low of a bullish engulfing candle. This can be adjusted slightly based on how well you read the market (see: Should I Hold Through a Pullback or Get Out?). Candlesticks do not provide a specific profit target, although often I will simply used a fixed reward:risk ratio target. If the risk on a trade is 10 pips, I will set a profit at 16 or 20 pips, which is 1.6:1 or 2:1 reward:risk. This again can be adjusted slightly based ability to read the market in real-time (see: EURUSD-Using Price Action for Entries and Exits).

Use bullish engulfing patterns during an uptrend to signal the end of a correction and the re-emergence of the uptrend. Use bearish engulfing patterns during a downtrend to signal the end of a correction and re-emergence of the downtrend. Most importantly though, always control risk it is recommended that no more than 1% of trading capital is risked on a single trade. Trading with Candlesticks. Those familiar with some of the basic elements of technical price analysis have probably used candlestick charts in some of their market analysis and this is generally because these charts help you to make broad assessments with just a quick glance. But one under-utilized aspect of these charts can be seen in the candle formations, which can give strong indications of how prices are likely to move in the future. This can be highly valuable information for binary options trades, as candlestick patterns can give a great deal of information when forecasting price direction. This is critical for knowing when a trader should enter into a CALL or a PUT, so here we will look at some of the ways candlesticks are interpreted and at some of the most commonly used patterns so that these signals can be used in trading. Interpreting the Charts. Candlestick charts are highly valuable for spotting reversals in trends and entryexit points for new trades. But how can we interpret the information given by these charts? First we must understand the anatomy of the candle. Candlesticks are comprised of information explaining the High, Low, Open and Close for the given time period. The high is shown at the upper end of the top shadow, while the low is seen at the end of the bottom shadow.

The body shows the difference between the open and close of the period, and different colors will be used depending on whether or not the opening price was higher than the closing price. This can be seen in the graphics below: Trading Binary Options with Candlesticks can be easy. Next, we look at the candlestick chart as a whole to see how these candles fit into the larger picture: A closer look how candlesticks can help you as a trader. Long Bodies and Short Bodies. Notice the different sizes. Looking at the size of the candle body can also give traders important information about potential price direction . Short candle bodies indicate restricted price movement and consolidation. Conversely, longer bodies suggest stronger buying and selling pressure . Long wicks attached to these bodies suggest higher levels of volatility. The Hanging Man and Hammer Patterns. Now that we understand how to interpret these charts, we will now look at ways to spot potential reversals in price (which is key for constructing binary options trade ideas). The most common patterns in this category are the Hammer and Hanging Man patterns, and we can see examples in the graphics below: One of our favorite plays are the hammer wicks. When prices are showing a strong downtrend, traders can look for bullish trading opportunities once a Hammer formation becomes apparent.

The logic behind this approach comes from the fact that prices are already at extreme lows but markets have snapped back (evidenced by the long lower Hammer wick). This pattern marks a potential turning point and a good opportunity to enter into new CALL positions for the asset. Conversely, when prices are showing a strong uptrend, traders can look for bearish trading opportunities once a Hanging Man formation becomes apparent . The logic behind this approach comes from the fact that prices are already at extreme highs (too expensive) but markets have failed after reaching these heights (evidenced by volatility of the long upper wick). This pattern marks a potential turning point and a good opportunity to enter into new PUT positions for the asset. The next candlestick reversal patterns we will look at are the Engulfing patterns (bullish and bearish). These are shown in the graphic below: This is a strong pattern to trade Binaries. Bearish Engulfing patterns often become apparent when prices are showing a strong uptrend, and bearish trading opportunities can be taken on the expectation of a downside reversal. The logic behind this approach comes from the fact that the previously bullish sentiment is now being “overshadowed” by bearish momentum, and prices are likely to continue lower . When these patterns are seen, traders can enter into PUT options based on these expectations.

Bullish Engulfing patterns often become apparent when prices are showing a strong downtrend, and bullish trading opportunities can be taken on the expectation of a upside reversal. The logic behind this approach comes from the fact that the previously bearish sentiment is overextended and is being overcome by bullish momentum. Since prices are likely to continue to move higher, traders can look to establish CALL options when these patterns become apparent. Using Candle Stick Patterns to Spot Price Reversals. From the examples above, we can see that chart candlestick patterns can provide a way to determine potential reversals in prices. This information can be critical when looking to establish a trading bias using binary options. When prices are showing a strong downtrend, a bullish reversal candle can help to create solid opportunities for CALL options . When prices are showing a strong uptrend, a bearish reversal pattern can be a good indication that the rally is over and that traders should consider PUT options. ***Your capital may be at risk. This material is not investment advice. Getting nowhere trading? Make Sure You Check Out.

Latest Updates. Binary Options University Must Reads. Thanks for checking out Binary Options University. There is one major topic that must be talked about way up front. RISK! Although you could make a lot of money trading these instruments, it’s also very easy to lose everything you invest. Please understand the Binary Risks before you invest any money. This site is for entertainment purposes and should not be held responsible for any losses you may incur. Advertising dollars are generated by clicking on some of the outbound links. You can learn more about this on our Privacy Policy. Trading binary options using candlesticks.

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Sum of a simple candlestick method. Just that you can produce high. Both claiming that uses candlestick patterns that have developed and trade. (c) 2017 INVESTED iQ Invested IQ. DISCLAIMER: We provide real estate education and training. We do not sell a business opportunity. We make no earnings or return on investment claims. Additionally, we do not offer tax, accounting, financial or legal advice. Investing in real estate involves risk, and you could lose money. Prior to undertaking any real estate transaction, you should consult your own accounting, legal and tax advisors to to evaluate the risks, consequences and suitability of that transaction. Marketing, education and fulfillment services for Invested IQ are provided by Response. huge_it_share Candlestick Patterns for Binary Options. Candlestick patterns can be of great use in trading the binary options market. One of the candlestick patterns in question is the engulfing pattern, which serve as reversal patterns on both ends of the trend.

These candlestick patterns for binary options, being reversal patterns, they can therefore be used to trade the CallPut trade type as well as the TouchNo Touch binary options. The engulfing candlestick patterns are double-candlestick patterns that have a shorter candlestick with or without a shadow on one or both ends (Day 1 candle), and a longer candlestick (the Day 2 candle) with a higher high and a lower low than the Day 1 candle. In this situation, the Day 2 candle is said to “engulf” the Day 1 candle. There are two types of engulfing candlestick patterns seen in the markets: a) bullish engulfing. b) bearish engulfing. Bullish Engulfing Candlestick Patterns. The bullish engulfing pattern is made up of 2 candlesticks. The first candlestick is a bearish candlestick which may or may not have a shadow on both ends of the body. The second candlestick is longer and bullish in orientation. The bullish Day 2 candle has a higher high and a lower low than the bearish Day 1 candle.

This pattern results because there is an initial downtrend, represented with the bearish Day 1 candle. This spills over into the Day 2 candle which has a lower open than the Day 1 close, but buyers have had enough and they surge into the asset and drive it upwards to close above the high of the Day 1 candle, reflecting a change in sentiment and a preparation for a further push. The appearance of the bullish engulfing in a downtrend signifies a change in trend, so the binary options trader should prepare to trade the new trend with a CALL option, as well as set price targets for both the TOUCH and NO TOUCH trade. Bearish Engulfing Candlestick Patterns. The bearish engulfing pattern is made up of 2 candlesticks. The first candlestick is a bullish candlestick which may or may not have a shadow on both ends of the body. The second candlestick is longer and bearish in orientation. The bearish Day 2 candle has a higher high and a lower low than the bullish Day 1 candle. This pattern results because there is an initial uptrend, represented with the bullish Day 1 candle. This spills over into the Day 2 candle which has a higher open than the Day 1 close, but sellers come into the picture and force the price of the asset downwards to close below the low of the Day 1 candle, reflecting a change in sentiment for a further downward push.

The appearance of the bearish engulfing pattern in an uptrend should prepare the trader to purchase a PUT option and set price targets for both the TOUCH and NO TOUCH trade. Please note that it is only when these patterns occur at the extreme of the trend that the become useful for trading. Bullish Engulfing Trade. a) For the CALL option, wait for bullish engulfing candlestick patterns to form at the bottom of a trend, then purchase a CALL option at the open of the next candle. The signal is reinforced if the bullish engulfing pattern occurs at a support level e. g. at any of the support pivots or at a price support. b) For the TOUCH trade, select a strike price within a range of 20 pips above the bullish engulfing formation, and for the NO TOUCH, select a price target located below the bullish engulfing as shown in the snapshot below. This is a simple trade to execute and should make the trader some money if the rules are adhered to. Bearish Engulfing Trade. a) For the PUT option, wait for the bearish engulfing pattern to form at the top of the trend, then purchase a PUT option at the open of the next candle. If the signal is at a resistance level, the trade is reinforced. b) For the TOUCH trade, select a strike price in a 20-pip range below the bearish engulfing formation. The NO TOUCH strike price should be set above the bearish engulfing as shown in the snapshot. day+trading+binary+options. Narrow Your Search.

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© CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Japanese Candlesticks for Binary Options Trading – Trading Naked. Full Review of the Japanese Candlesticks Binary Options Technical Analysis Trading Tool. Contrary to what some of you might think, trading naked does not mean trading with no clothes on, but using charts free of any indicators. This is where Japanese candlesticks play an important role because the shapes they take and the patterns they form are indication of future price direction. A Japanese candle show us the Open, High, Low and Close of the period analyzed. If we are using a Daily chart, one completed candlestick will give us the highest point reached by price during the day, the lowest price, the open price and the close price. Same goes for a 1 hour candle or a 1 minute candle (this applies to all Japanese candles). Here is a graphic explanation: This is a bearish candle, which means that the Closing price is lower than the Opening price (price fell by the end of the analyzed period). The upper wick shows the highest point reached by price and the lower wick shows the lowest point reached by price in our period. This is the basic information that we get from a Japanese candlestick but now comes the interesting part: I am going to explain how to use some of the most important Japanese candlesticks. How to use different types of Japanese candlesticks. This is one of the most powerful candlesticks and you might remember it from the Pinocchio method.

The Pin bar (Pinocchio or simply Pin) tells a story and we must know how to read it: in the beginning, the Bears were strong and confident, pushing price lower, but by the end of the period, the Bulls starting to become more and more powerful, pushed price higher than the opening point and managed to close it higher, with a small upper wick. After a candle like this one, the Bulls are in control and prices are more likely to move even higher. A Bullish Pin bar has the following characteristics: it has a big lower wick, a small body (the body is about one third of the length of the whole candle) and a small upper wick. A Bearish Pin is the opposite. You will not always see perfect Pin bars like the one in our picture above, but they can still be categorized as a Pin. Sometimes in a Bullish Pin, the closing price will not be higher than the opening price. That is still a Bullish Pin bar, but it will not be as powerful as the one in our picture. A Doji candle is formed when the Open price and Close price are almost the same, which will create a very small body and long wicks. Usually in a Doji candle the upper and lower wicks are almost the same length, but if they are not, the candle still qualifies as a Doji as long as the opening price and the closing price are almost the same. Look at the picture bellow to see what a Doji candle looks like: Usually the Doji candle signifies indecision in the market. Neither the Bulls nor the Bears can move price in one direction and this causes price to fluctuate up and down during the period and eventually close almost in the same point where it opened. If after a strong, prolonged move in one direction, several Doji candles appear, we must be aware of a possible reversal, but given that the Doji is mainly a indecision sign, price can go either way because eventually one of the two sides will win the battle.

A Marubozu candle is a clear indication of one-sided strength: a bullish Marubozu means that the Bulls are in complete control and a bearish Marubozu candle signifies that the Bears are in total control. Here is how Marubozu candles look like: Marubozu is a single candlestick, not a formation and in the picture above I exemplified both Bearish and Bullish ones, but that doesn’t mean that you have to find them together to qualify as a Marubozu. The characteristics of this type of candle are: long bodies, signifying strong selling or buying pressure (depending on the type of candle – bullish or a bearish) and no upper or lower wicks, signifying that the other side of the market has no power. Although a perfect Marubozu is hard to find, when we find one it is a clear indication that price will continue in the direction indicated by it. One more important and helpful thing to know is that whenever you see a breakout accompanied by a Marubozu candle, it is most likely to be a real breakout and not a false one. Here is a picture: In the picture above, price was confined to a range, finding Resistance at the top and Support at the bottom. About half way into the ranging period, price tried to escape to the downside, but that resulted in a false breakout as we can see. Then again, price tried to break the bottom of the range, but this time, a Marubozu appeared and the breakout was clearly confirmed by it. Why do Japanese candlesticks suck? If all the signals given by the Japanese candlesticks would be 100% accurate, we would have found the Holy Grail. Unfortunately, like all other tools, they sometimes fail and cannot be trusted always at least not on their own and they must be combined with other tools. The candles presented above are just some of the most important ones, but if you want to use more of them, you will have to remember all their shapes, names and prediction value not to mention that there are formations composed of 2 or three candles and that’s where things really start to suck.

Why Japanese candlesticks don’t suck? Developed by Japanese rice traders in the 18 th century, candlesticks have been used by them ever since and relatively recent they started to receive credit in the Western trading world. Today almost all the charts we see use Japanese candlesticks. Their predictive value is probably the reason for their longevity and their wide use. As we know, price is driven by people and people are driven by emotions with the help of Japanese candlesticks we can take a peek inside the mind of the majority and gauge the market sentiment. For More Information or Questions About Japanese Candelsticks Click Here . Candle sticks lesson is a necessity to me. I have been longing for such explanation for long and luckily grabbed a part of what I really want to be thoroughly aware of today. Looking forward to seeing more. Glad you find it helpful. If you want more, read part 2 where I explain dual candlestick patterns.

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