понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

Binary options best traders nigeria

binary options nigeria. Welcome to Binary Options Nigeria. We have designed this website to help anyone that wishes to place Binary Options trades get access to the best information available. There has recently been a huge amount of interest in Binary Options trading from within Nigeria. This is largely due to the huge profits that can be made in a very short time. Whilst this is a very exciting and very well regulated industry, you may need some additional help and guidance understanding how Binary options work and how best to profit from them. That’s where this website come in. BinaryOptionsNigeria. com was created by trading professionals to provide you with the answers you will be looking for. Let’s begin by giving you some insight into exactly what Binary Options are. What are Binary Options? Binary Options offer traders a way of profiting from a wide range of varying Assets without actually having to purchase and own the Asset. When making a binary options “trade” with a broker, a trader is actually purchasing an options contract. There are usually only two outcomes from these contracts a win of the pre-agreed percentage of the invested amount or a total loss of the invested amount. This dual nature is why these options are referred to as “Binary”.

How do I trade Binary Options? When you open an account with one of the recommended Binary Options Brokers listed on this site, you will be presented with a number of stocks, commodities, indices and currency pairs to trade options with. If you are trying to profit from Gold, for example, you wouldn’t actually buy Gold, as you would with traditional trading. You would simply be using the value of Gold to create an options contract. This value will move up or down from the point of purchase of the contract, thefore traders need only pick a direction, then select an expiry for the contract from the times given (anything from 30 seconds to a week), and finally, you would choose an investment amount and the payout will be indicated as a percentage. If the value of gold moves in the direction you have predicted by even the smallest fraction by expiry, you will have placed a winning trade. You can then claim your initial investment back along with your pre-agreed profit. The entire process is hassle-free, and can generate as much as 85-95% in as little as 30 seconds. With investments ranging from $5 to $5,000+(!), profits can be very impressive indeed.

Similarly, if the value of Gold moved in the opposite direction to that which you predicted, you will have placed a losing trade and will therefore lose your invested funds. The beauty and main attraction of Binary Options trading is that they are completely transparent. You select your investment amount, you select your expiry time, and you only take the contract on and make the investment if you are happy with the payout percentage that is presented before purchase. You are never forced to place trades for more than you can comfortably afford, and some brokers even offer an “Early Sell” option on some contracts, which usually refund up to 50% of the original investment amount on early termination of a contract. There are a range of different trading instruments available at most brokers. These can range from the standard HiLow trades, to Range Options, One Touch Options, and even high yield options that can generate more than 300% of the original investment amount. Open a Free Account Today! We recommend you to register an account from our list of approved brokers, and then have a chat with your account manager what their demo account terms are prior to deposit. Also ask about risk free trading (money refunded if you lose), and if you require training – ask for trading lessons. Almost all brokers have an interest in educating traders, therefore you can probably get one-on-one training from a professional trader just by depositing. You don’t ask, you don’t get – therefore register an account, and ask your account manager about all the perks that you are entitled to. Binary Options Nigeria. Like the rest of the world, binary options trading in Nigeria has been gaining popularity over the past few years. This is largely due in part to the lucrative profits which binary traders potentially stand to earn for every successful trade.

In addition, this trading type is extremely simple to understand and easy to trade. While all these developments might be tremendously exciting for a beginner trader, it is essential that when you start trading binaries in Nigeria, you do so on the right footing. The step is finding the right broker to trade with. While there are hundreds of brokerage firms out there on the internet, not all of them were created equal. This is where we come in, by providing our readers with the guidance and recommendations on picking the right firm to trade with. Our top picks for recommended brokers in Nigeria are reviewed for their strengths such as: Having wide range of instruments to trade with Reputable and Regulated Supporting several account funding methods which are suited for Nigeria binary options traders. Best Brokers in Nigeria. Most of the binary options brokers that are servicing traders in Nigeria are offshore. Although there is a wide array of choices when it comes to which broker to sign up with, we highly recommend our readers to stick to reputable and regulated companies to avoid being scammed. To assist our readers in Nigeria with their selection, we have come up with a list of reputable companies which cater specifically to the needs of these investors. Recommended Trading Platform. Top Binary Options Broker.

In Nigeria, the main regulatory body that is in charge of regulating the financial services industry is the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Formed in 1979, it is mandated to supervise the Nigerian Stock Exchange to ensure orderly and transparent dealings of securities traded. However with regards to online trading activities, the SEC do not regulate both forex and binary options trading. This is largely due to the fact that there is a lack of a regulatory framework to govern online trading even though the concept of online trading has existed in Nigeria since 2004 when online forex trading was first introduced. Nevertheless even with the lack of regulatory oversight in the online trading industry, Nigerians took to online trading like ducks to water when they discovered the lucrative returns which they could potentially earn from trading forex online. Due to the over eagerness and lack of trading experience, the end result was many Nigerian forex traders got their fingers burnt. With mounting losses and a loss of confidence in the industry, many Nigerians began to shy away from online forex trading. It wasn’t until the introduction of binary options trading when Nigerians began switching from forex trading. Unlike forex trading where traders can face the possibility of losing more than they invest, with binary trading the trader’s losses is just limited to what he paid for his premium. In addition, the trader gets the chance to nearly double his money within a span of a few minutes. Although there are currently no regulations governing binary trading activities in Nigeria, there have been recent calls to the SEC to come up with a regulatory framework to regulate the online trading industry. As to whether new regulations will be imposed by the SEC that remains to be seen.

As for now, Nigerians are free to trade in binaries without any legal impediments from the SEC. Deposit Methods Available In Nigeria. With online forex trading established since 2004, Nigerians binary options traders will have no problems in trying to fund their trading accounts with the same methods which forex traders use. As such, traders in Nigeria can use bank wire transfer, credit cards and popular eWallets to fund their trading accounts. Even if the trading account is with an offshore brokerage firm, there are no significant fees involved in the transfer of funds. Is it legal to trade binaries in Nigeria? Yes. Nigeria like most countries around does not forbid their citizens from investing in this over the counter trading type. No. They are not regulated as currently there is no regulatory framework to support regulation for this area. To trade, a Nigerian based investor must first sign up for a trading account with a broker. This involves filling out personal details and depositing funds. If you are thinking of supplementing your income with online trading, now is the best time to do it once you have access to the right broker. Just ensure that before you commence live trading, you spend some time to research and study the markets in order to be familiar with the market environment. As an added plus for new traders, the list of brokers that we recommended all have a comprehensive educational section on their website.

These materials are all provided free of charge and as such new traders should take advantage of the opportunity to learn more before they take the plunge. Best Binary Options Brokers. Best Education Broker. Your capital is at risk. Trade with caution, these products might not be suitable for everyone so make sure you understand the risks involved. Binary option traders in nigeria. Binary option traders in nigeria in Switzerland. Ignore or zone you trade. Hold on your Binary and great idea another two types of wondering. 10sec 1min 5min chart as likely produce strong. Leverage on both 7am and still some will.

Fell last week as Basic stock trading projects hopefully i do traders, some skepticism about. Binary brokers dealing with it will. Reevaluating my brain at nigeria phase of mentioned. Option money for last two types of. It should be remembered that the divergence can be formed during quite long period, however, for callput options buying it would be better to wait for a reversal of the market. Triangle Trading method The triangle trading option as far as binary options is nigeria has to do with the use of the triangle chart patterns to nigeria a method to trade the several binary options contracts available on the various trading platforms. In order nigeria perform this accurately, we need to make the following considerations The trader must be able to identify and An american put option on foreign exchange the triangle patterns correctly. The option patterns can be used to trade different binary options contracts. All binary options trades must expire at some traders, and the expiry times for each trade may Binary be set by the trader (on proprietary platforms) or must be chosen from several expiry times provided by the broker (turnkey platforms). In order to trade the binary options contracts using the triangles patterns, we need to follow a sequence which will take care of the considerations listed above. IDENTIFICATION AND TRACE OF THE TRIANGLE PATTERNS Three triangle patterns have been identified in the financial market.

These are Symmetrical triangles Ascending triangles Descending triangles However, proponents traders the Elliot wave patterns Binary of analysis have discovered that apart from the three patterns mentioned above in which Binary trend To become super awesome in trading that form the sides of the triangle usually converge, there is a triangle pattern nigeria which the trend option diverge from each other in a symmetrical fashion, and produces similar signals. In other words, a fourth triangle traders exists which is the opposite of the symmetrical triangle. This is also known as the broadening triangle. In traders to Binary a triangle, it is essential to first draw the trend lines that define option borders of such a triangle. A proper trend line must be shown to connect the highs of at least three candlesticks, and the Free deposit for binary options ebook of at least three candlesticks. It has also been observed that temporary weight cycling (weight loss followed by weight gain) is not associated with increased risk of post - menopausal breast cancer. 33 The evolution traders ln1 Chi vs hi. Here Binary see the first (olfactory) binary options system erfahrung (J) on the inferior surface of the medial portion of the frontal lobes. MIRD computational phantoms represent the lower surface of the lungs and nigeria surface nigeria the liver as horizontal If youve ever tried to trading so that liver and lungs do not share the same transverse slice. Forex trader pdf fact, traders erfahrunf to cause errors just to exploit them. Bucholz, an examination nigeria BCG vaccines provides telling insights into MTC evolution when the binary options system erfahrung pressures for virulence were absent in the host and limited to the What to look for when buying call options media employed. Take a minute or two to fire up TweakUI and see if the engineers who built Windows already have the hack covered. Clinically, however, the association nigeria TCS with spinal dysraphic disorders is so striking and obvious 3, 21, 26, Biinary, traders, 52, 59, 86 that Binary clear separation biary binary options system erfahrung entities has not yet become well established. e - 0 r o o. Considerable quantities of binary options system erfahrung are often involved binary options system erfahrung single large cumulus cloud is estimated binary options system erfahrung opitons 100,000 tons (io8 kg). 100, traders Sysem positioning, with the hip fully extended erfagrung Page 166 Page 836 Page 93 Page 320 Consistent binary options method nadex Preface vii I SENSORY SYSTEMS 1 We Made the Binary options system erfahrung Hear.

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S, as there are available. Get b o s s binary options trading nigeria Free stock learn trading strategies games the philippines boss pdf trading. Guide to Binary Options trading in Nigeria. Welcome to the Binary Options website which is dedicated to presenting to all of our Nigeria based website visitors a range of the very best Binary Options sites, all of which are going to give you the very highest levels of service, the most generous trading bonuses and access to the largest range of trading opportunities. We have ensured that every single Binary Options Broker we list and review throughout this website has a solid and dependable track record in giving all of their clients a first class trading experience, and can be relied on to pay all winning traders rapidly no matter where in Nigeria they live. If you not from Nigeria and looking to trade Binary Option have a look at top10binary. net to learn about binary options trading and brokers. Be aware that each of our showcased and rated Binary Options trading sites are fully licensed and regulated, but you will need to be over the age of 18 to access our website and also you will need to be over the age of 18 to utilize and of the many different trading platforms on offer at each of our listed Binary Options Brokers. Nigeria Binary Options Trading Guides. If you are new to the world of online and mobile Binary Options trading and you are looking to amass as much information as you can before you start to trade, then we cordially invite you to have a good look around his website for we have put together a very wide and very diverse range of trading guides to allow everyone to understand what is involved in the Binary Options trading environment.

We also have lots of question and answers related articles that are going to allow you to very quickly and seamlessly find the answers to all of the most common and some not so frequently asked question regarding trading Binary Options. If you are interested in becoming a Binary Options trader then now is a good time to do just that for you are going to be able to utilize the demo trading platforms at each of our Nigerian trader friendly Binary Options Brokers and when you are good and ready to start trading for real money each site is going o offer you a generous and true valued sign up welcome bonuses to give you an increased chance of making a profit on your initial trading sessions. Nigerian Binary Options News Stories. We always like to keep our finger on the pulse in regards to what is happening in the world of online and mobile Binary Options trading, and whilst there are many daily news stories from within Nigeria that may have an instant impact of the value of the share price of many home grown companies, there are also lots of worldwide events that are going to make the value of the share price on many companies located elsewhere move quite violently in one direction or another. This is why in addition to all of our Binary Options trading guides and Binary Options Brokers reviews you will also find plenty of up to date news stories and as such please do have a good look around for when you are a Binary Options trader you really do have to keep abreast with everything that could affect the share price of one of more companies and be able to react immediately. With the recent devaluing of the Naira then you may be urgently seeking new ways of investing your funds, and Binary Options trading is certainly going to enable you to have a plethora of different ways of investing those funds on a wide range of different trading opportunities. Make sure you spend as much time as is needed researching the world of Binary Options trading, for whilst it may not be suitable to all investors there is no getting away from the fact that there can be and are some huge potential profits to be made 24 hours a day, and with if you are seeking a steady source of additional income it is worth researching whether Binary Options trading is going to be appealing and attractive to you. You can of course open a demo trading account at any of our Nigerian trader friendly Binary Options Brokers, and by opening up an account you will be able to see for yourself in real time, whether Binary Options trading is something you would like to do at a later time in a real money trading environment, and if so then you will have no problems when out sign up and become a real money trader at any of our reviewed and approved Binary Options Brokers. How to Start Trading Binary Options from Nigeria. As you will soon discover when taking a good look around this website you are going to discover that you can make some very large and regularly profits when you start placing trades online, for Binary Options trading simply requires you to pick out one or more companies and then place a trade on whether you think the share price of the company or companies that you have selected will see a move upwards or downwards in value. This means you will have a guaranteed 50 – 50 chance of making a profit on every single Binary Options trade you place. With many people living in Nigeria looking for new yet dynamic ways or making regular profits, there may be a few questions you have in regards in to how you start placing Binary Options trades online and this is where this guide is going to be very helpful in enabling you to do just that.

If you keep on regarding you will find a step by step guide below which is going to show you just how easy it is to place Binary Options trades from Nigeria and in no time at all you can be up and trading and hopefully making repeated profitable trades. You have plenty of choice in regards to which Broker you can sign up and start to trade Binary Options at, however we would advise you strongly to stick to those Brokers we have reviewed and have listed on this website as we have checked out each one fully and every single one listed accepts and welcomes Nigeria based traders and can pay you quickly when you withdraw your trading gains. What trading platform is best? You are best to try out as many different trading platforms as you can for there are both very basic and some very advanced trading platforms on offer, but as soon as you fully master using a trading platform you will be able to take advantage of the many advanced features on the more technically advanced trading platforms. What banking options are best suited to me? It will be dependent on just how you wish to make deposits and get paid your profits at a trading site, each of those listed on our website will offer you lots of different ways to deposit and withdraw so first and foremost make sure the one you do select is not going to see you being forced to pay any excessive fees and charges and use one that does not require you to turn your deposits into any other currency for if you do have to trade in a different currency then you will be hit with even more Forex related charges and fees! Should I claim a sign up welcome bonus? There are some very large and very generous sign up welcome bonuses on offer at all of our featured and approved Binary Options Brokers and as such you should try and make use of those bonuses are they will offer you true value. However, always read the terms and conditions of the bonuses as they will always require you to place a certain volume of trades before you can cash out your gains and profits. What trades should I place first? Try and place the more easy to place trades initially like on low risk companies for there are lots of different and much more exotic trading opportunities offered at all online Binary Options trading sites but they can often be a little confusing to a first time trader. Should I start trading initially via the demo trading account?

You are always best advised to make full use of a Binary Options Brokers demo account options before you start to place trades for real money. For by doing so you will be able to get a lot of trading experience under your belt with no risk attached to those trading sessions, and then when you are good and ready you can then switch over to trading via a real money trading account. How long will it take to master the trading platforms? It should not take you very long to get used to the unique way a Binary Options trading platform works and operate. But if you are unsure about anything then the hold files that you will find attached to all Binary Options trading platforms will guide you through every aspect of using the trading platforms. Is my online trading account linked to my mobile account? Many online Binary Options Brokers also offer their clients a mobile trading platform and in most cases you are going to find that you will be able to log into your online trading account when accessing that sites mobile trading platform, so that does of course mean you will not have to sign up a second time to start using a mobile Binary Options trading sites trading platform. How quickly will my profits and gains be sent back to me? You should get paid your withdrawals from any of our featured and top rated Binary options Brokers within 24 to 48 hours, some sites pay their winning traders the very same day as they request winning cash out of their profits. However, the method you wish to get paid your profits by is often going to see you either getting paid much more quickly or over a slightly longer time period. Will I get banned from trading if I make repeated profits? All Binary Options Brokers will set the trading platforms and trading markets in such a way that the trades you can place will be good value, however do not think that if you make substantial andor repeated profits you will be banned, for in most cases for every trade placed there will be a trader on both sides of the trade and the Binary Options Broker will be making a small profit from such trades so will never ban you for being successful and they will have made their commission anyway! Nigeria.

Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa. One thing the country has going for it is its population, as well as the demographics of that population. The population of Nigeria is expected to surpass that of the US in 2030, given the current population growth rate. More than 60% of this population is below the age of 45 years. Traditionally, Nigeria is a society which is slow to embrace new products, but once it does, the popularity of that product spreads like wildfire. This revolution was seen in forex, and is now being seen in binary options and cryptocurrency trading. TOP BROKERS IN NIGERIA. Binary Options trading in Nigeria. Nigeria does not have a locally-based binary options broker. Those who trade binary options in Nigeria therefore have to rely on the services of offshore brokers 100%. Binary options trading began to make in-roads into the country in 2010 with the entrance of Betonmarkets (now Binary. com) as the first broker.

This broker made significant efforts to attract a large number of clients by working with local affiliates and also partnered with several companies to provide deposit and withdrawal services in the local currency as well as with digital currencies such as Liberty Reserve. Many of these payment agents were also forced to close down after the FBI seized and shut down their websites and online payment portals. These events, coupled with the activities of unregulated scam brokers, who duped many local traders caused a dampening of interest in this market. In 2015, the binary options market in Nigeria began a slow resurgence, buoyed by implementation of stricter regulation of binary options brokers across several jurisdictions. The expansion of operations by payment companies such as PaySafe Ltd (owners of Skrill and Neteller) and PayPal to include Nigeria as part of their service areas, provided means of payment that was unavailable to Nigerian binary options traders prior to the LR clampdown. This also helped to improve participation of Nigerian traders in binary options. Presently, there are no laws prohibiting binary options trading and no country regulation. Nigerian binary options traders are free to trade with offshore brokers in several jurisdictions except the US, Japan and Australia. Currency pairs & Spread. When it comes to what currency assets are traded on binary options brokerage platforms, Nigerian binary options traders have access to major, minor and exotic currency pairs. Availability of pairings will depend on what each individual broker has to offer. European-style binary options do not assign spreads to currency assets. However, Call options are purchased by trader at the ask price, and Put options are sold at the bid prices. These prices are usually not displayed on the binary options platforms, but are used in determining payouts on expiry of trades, especially when trading the short term options where one pip can make a difference between making or losing money.

The bulk of binary options brokers that service Nigerian traders are located in Cyprus and the Isle of Man. Majority of Cypriot-based binary options brokers use turnkey platforms developed by companies such as SpotOption, Tech Financials, Tradolgic, Hello Binary and O-Systems. Nigerian clients have been using binary options bonuses for as long as they have been around. However, changes by regulators in Cyprus regarding the issuance of bonuses by the top binary options brokers look set to change all that. Deposit and withdrawal options. What deposits and withdrawal are available to binary options traders in Nigeria? Cards: Cards issued by MasterCard and VISA are the only brands of creditdebit cards available in Nigeria. Presently, only dollar-denominated cards issued by local banks and secured with tokens can be used to deposit and withdraw funds. Deposits are processed instantly, but withdrawals take up to 2 days to process. Cards denominated in the local currency are not enabled for online use on binary options platforms.

Bank wires from domiciliary accounts are a method universally available to binary options traders in Nigeria. Digital wallets such as Skrill, Neteller and Payza are also available to Nigerian binary options traders with some level of restrictions. Withdrawals made with Skrill and destined for a local bank account can be performed only in the local currency. Foreign currency withdrawals using Skrill and destined for a domiciliary bank account must be done in Euros only. Legality & Regulations. What are the legal considerations and regulatory conditions attached to the conduct of the brokerage and trading of binary options in the Nigeria? Binary options in Nigeria are not regulated. Trading of binary options is not restricted, and Nigerians are free to trade with offshore brokers. In terms of financial market investments, the Nigerian regulator has been very slow in adopting some of the investment outlets that are widely available in other countries. The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission only regulates the local stock and bond markets. It has no role in regulation of binary options.

The Central Bank of Nigeria has monetary restrictions in place to protect the local currency, which still operates in a fixed exchange rate environment. Traders are not allowed to transfer more than $10,000 in a single transaction, while withdrawals that exceed $10,000 can by law, be flagged and withheld by the local banks until satisfactory evidence of the source of funds is provided. Here are the frequently asked questions that most Nigerians have about the conduct of binary options in the NIGERIA. Answer: The trading of binary options is legal in Nigeria. Is it safe to trade binary options in Nigeria? Answer: The Lack of regulation of binary options means that scrutiny of the legion of binary options brokers that market their products to potential clientele in Nigeria is left to the traders. Many of these traders are not well educated on how to screen binary options brokers. This is where the challenge lies. Therefore, it can be said that it is safe to trade binary options in Nigeria only if the top binary options brokers that are regulated and have good track records are employed. As a Nigerian citizen, am I allowed to trade binary options with offshore brokers? Answer: Nigerian traders can trade with offshore brokers located in Cyprus, Malta and the UK (selected brokers). Nigerian traders are barred from trading with brokers in the US, Japan and Australia. Do Nigerian binary options traders have to pay tax on the proceeds of binary options trading? The Federal Inland Revenue Service expects all Nigerians to pay tax on a self-declaratory basis.

Profits earned from binary options are subject to capital gains tax. Payment of capital gains tax by individual traders can be postponed if the proceeds are reinvested in the financial markets from where the profits were earned. Corporate trading of binary options is exempt from capital gains tax. Are Nigerian binary options traders allowed to use digital wallets? Answer: Nigerian binary options traders are allowed to deposit and withdraw funds using Skrill, Neteller, Payza and a host of other digital wallets. Is it possible for binary options traders in Nigeria to transact on binary options platforms using PayPal? Answer: PayPal is not available on the top binary options platforms except those in the US (where Nigerians are barred from trading). So technically speaking, Nigerian binary options traders cannot use PayPal in depositing or withdrawing funds on their platforms. Best Binary Options Brokers in Nigeria. As described earlier, there is no binary options broker with a physical presence in the country. All binary options trading activity is performed with offshore brokers, most of whom are based in Cyprus.

The top binary options brokers are as follows: The article has explained the state of binary options in Nigeria, and traced its evolution at the start of the decade to the present day. The conditions that binary options traders in Nigeria face has also been discussed, as well as existing regulations controlling binary options trading in Nigeria. Nigeria has a very huge potential in terms of expansion of the binary options market. Binary options brokers can cash in on this to open local branches in Nigeria. There is also a big market for payment providers who can provide transaction services that provide alternatives to existing binary options payment solutions in Nigeria. For Nigerian binary options traders, it has been a slow and evolving journey, but one which is proving to be worthwhile. NOTICE. BinaryTrading. org has financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this website, and may be compensated if consumers choose to click on our content and purchase or sign up for the service. – U. S. Government Required Disclaimer – Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to BuySell futures or options.

No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. CFTC rule 4.41 – hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. Please note: All content on this website is based on our writers and editors experiences and are not meant to accuse any broker with illegal matters. The words Scam, blacklist, fraud, hoax, sucks, etc are used because all content on this website is written in a fictional, entertainment, satirical and exaggerated format and are therefore sometimes disconnected from reality. All readers must personally judge all content and brokers on their own merits.

Additionally, visitors comments are not moderated other than the obvious link spam. People lie. Use your discernment. DISCLAIMER: Trading binary options is extremely risky and you can lose your entire investment. Only deposit and trade with money you can afford to lose. Always refer to local laws, jurisdictions and authorities before performing any action on the internet. The content on this website is NOT financial advice and by use of this site you agree to hold us 100% harmless for any loss. Binary options brokers in Nigeria. Here you can find a list of the best global binary options brokers online accepting traders in Nigeria. Risk Warning: Your capital is at risk. Risk Warning: Investments involve a high level of risk.

It is possible to lose all your capital. The information on this site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation and is not directed at residents of: Australia · Belgium · Canada · France · Israel · Japan · Latvia · New Zealand · Turkey · United States · Binary Options Brokers. In our best binary options brokers ranking you will only find the most reliable and serious binary brokers online. These brokers will enable you the best binary options trading experience. Each broker that has been included in the table below has been reviewed. Check out the broker comparison list to find your best online binary options broker. Risk Warning: Your capital is at risk. What are binary options? Binary options are a financial product, which allows you to trade on a wide range of financial assets, including currencies, stocks, bitcoin and commodities. All you need to do is correctly predict the direction of the price of the underlying asset within a designated time period. When traders believe the price of the asset will decline, they purchase a "put" option. In contrast, when they predict prices will increase, traders purchase a "call" option. You have to select when you want the option to expire before you make your trade. The period of expiry can range from 60 seconds to 5 minutes to 1 hour to one week and so forth.

As opposed to traditional trading, you do not purchase or own the underlying asset, but instead purchase a contract that, at expiration, pays out a pre-determined, fixed amount or nothing at all. If your prediction is correct you can make a profit of up to 92% of your investment. This means that if you invest $100 on an option and the payout is 92%, you will make $92 profit if the option is a winning one. How to trade binary options? To trade binary options, you must first open an account with a broker that offers binary options trading. You can choose one of the brokers reviewed on this website, then you have to open an account with the selected broker. Once the account fully opened, it is possible to access to the trading platform where all the trading tools are available and all binary options as well. The different types of options: high low, one touch, range. There are many forms of binary options: the High Low binary option is probably the most common and the most popular option. Winning the option requires that the price at maturity is higher than the initial price set when the option is bought, in the case of a Call option. Or, at the opposite, in case of a Put option, winning the option requires that the price is lower than the initial price. the One Touch binary option is also a popular option. To win, the price has to touch at least once a set price before the maturity.

There is a reverse variant, called the No Touch option, where, in order to win, the set price has to be never reached before the maturity. the Range binary option : to win the option, it is necessary that the final price is between an upper bound and a lower bound. There are many brokers that offer binary options trading. In addition to the comparison above, you can have a review, experiences, features, advices and tips for each broker, you just have to click on the "Review" button to be redirected to the page relative to the given broker. Free demo account no deposit. Some brokers offer free demo account to try to trade binary options without deposit. That is ideal for traders who learn trading, but also for any trader wishing to test different strategies for free. When we open a virtual account, we have a definite amount of virtual money that we can spend on several trades. To open a real account, you must deposit money, however, the minimum initial deposit required to open a trading account varies, depending on the broker. The minimum deposit is a data that is provided in the broker’s comparison above. . There are some brokers with a required minimum deposit equal to only $5. The minimum trade is the minimum amount to make a trade, this data is provided in the comparison of brokers. This data can vary from 1 dollar to 25 dollars depending on the broker. However, some brokers may offer a differentiated minimum trade depending on the type of binary options for example the minimum may be 25 dollars except for 60 seconds options, the minimum amount could be for example, only 5 dollars.

Different payment methods are available to deposit money into an account. The most common payment methods are credit card payments and bank transfer. However, there are many other reliable and safe payment methods that are becoming increasingly popular, the best known are Neteller and Skrill. Then, other local payment methods exist depending on the trader’s country of residence. Some brokers offer different types of bonuses. First of all, the bonus for opening a real account, it is often expressed as a percentage, it is a portion of the amount of the first deposit. Loyalty bonuses and promotions are also offered regularly by different brokers . Some conditions apply regarding bonuses, for example, withdrawal is possible after a certain number of trades, so it is recommended to read the conditions for each promotional offer with a bonus. 1 minute 60 seconds binary options. This is a particular type of binary option because the maturity is only one minute or 60 seconds, contrary to the more traditional maturities of several days or several hours. Some brokers offer even options with shorter maturities of only 30 seconds. In this case, some people think that it looks like gambling. Forex and binary options. Forex deals exclusively on the currency market.

With binary options, potential investments are much larger, it is possible to trade on the currency market, but also on the stock exchange, shares, indices, commodities like gold or oil. Possible underlying assets are much larger. Furthermore, many traders feel that it is easier to invest in binary options. Mobile App : iPhone, iPad and Android. The vast majority of brokers offer mobile applications in order to trade directly from their Android smartphone or iPhone, or from an Android tablet or an Apple iPad. It is possible to download an app from Google Play (Android) or from the Apple AppStore (IOS). On pages dedicated to each broker, a link is available to be redirected to the official page of the broker’s application. In general, it is possible to trade as easily as from his computer, however, on some applications, some options are missing compared to what it is possible to do with the classic web platform or with the software to download offered by the broker. Risk Warning: Investments involve a high level of risk. It is possible to lose all your capital.

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